Is Overseas Travel Safe For Australians Now?
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The 21st of February 2022.
This date marked the highly anticipated reopening of Australia’s borders to fully vaccinated travellers after almost two years.
Photos and videos of joyful family reunions and delighted tourists soon made the headlines.
Yet, many are still holding off as they worry about catching COVID or being stuck offshore, with 47% of Australians concerned about being stranded somewhere.
What’s more, some countries such as Japan or Vanuatu are still closed to travellers.
So, if you’re getting itchy feet but aren’t sure whether it’s safe for you to travel right now, keep reading!
In this article, we will highlight the main countries and regions open to Australians and the most effective ways to protect yourself from the virus while travelling.
What Countries Are Open To Australians For Travel?
The great news is that the list of countries open to Australian citizens is rapidly expanding. 191 countries, to be exact!
European countries are all open to Australian citizens. However, note that as of the end of 2022, you’ll need a visa waiver called the ETIAS to enter the Schengen Zone.
The majority of the South American region is open, and so are North and Central America.
The African continent is also open to Australians except for Libya, Western Sahara, Lesotho and Cameroon.
Closer to home, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Fiji, French Polynesia, India, Laos, The Maldives, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and The United Arab Emirates are open to Australians without any compulsory quarantine. New Zealand recently reopened its borders to Australians too.
Some countries such as China, Russia, French Guinea and Yemen are still closed to visitors.
You’ll find an up-to-date map of countries open and closed to Australians here.
How To Protect Yourself From COVID-19 While Travelling?
Whether flying, catching a boat or riding a train, you’ll be spending time around many people and coming into contact with frequently touched surfaces. This means that you need to be extremely vigilant and strict with protective measures.
Here are a few ways to protect yourself while travelling:
- Stay up-to-date with your vaccination doses
- Avoid carpooling and travel in the back seat whenever possible to maintain some distance between you and the driver
- Avoid any contact with anyone who is sick or exhibiting symptoms
- Wash your hands often
- Disinfect your hands after coming into contact with frequently touched surfaces
- Wear your masks in indoor public spaces
- Social distance every time you’re around people
- Don’t eat or drink on public transport to avoid having to remove your mask
- Use contactless payment whenever possible
- Review your accommodation’s health protocols
Ready To Embark On Your Next Adventure?
If you decide to travel in the coming weeks or months, it’s highly recommended that you get COVID-19 travel insurance. In fact, it’s mandatory in some places such as Argentina, Bahamas, Cambodia, Chile, Thailand and certain European countries. COVID-19 travel insurance will allow you to be covered in case you or your traveling companion catches COVID.